miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012

Alecia Brantley: Training Experience

This training has been informative and unique thus far. The lectures have been given by experts in several sub-disciplines of limnology which provide a thorough explanation of freshwater ecology that can be applied to Lake Atitlan.  One of the most interesting discussions has dealt with the ecological interactions that occur between lake organisms when changes in available nutrients and dissolved organic matter take place in an aquatic ecosystem.  I'm glad that I have had the opportunity to participate in this unique training program because it is culturally diverse; the cross-cultural discussions provide new perspectives on the current and future ecological state of Lake Atitlan.  Each day has been filled with many thoughtful questions, providing insight on possible solutions for this valuable lake.

2 comentarios:

  1. Saludos y bendiciones para ti, Alecia, somos integrantes de la Asociación Comunitaria Integral del Medio Ambriente, ACIMA, y nuestro objetivo es la limpieza y saneamiento de nuestro lago, Atitlán, ya que coo tu lo sabes es uno de los medio de subsistencia para nuestra gente, con la pezca y turismo que recibimos cada año, lo cual ha estado bajando rapidamente por la contaminación del lago, no solo por las influencias propias del lago sino además por el ingreso externo de bacterias, asi como desperdicios solidos y humanos que ingresas en forma desmesurada a nuestro lago.
    Es por ello que hemos creado el proyecto de comunidad integrada, proyecto este que consiste en realiar varias actividades en el exterior del lago para su limpieza y descontaminación, lo cual pretendemos realizar por medio de muros secos encadenados para la creación de filtros naturales.
    Trabajo este que es de nuestros ancestros y nosotros los hemos pulido para no dañar el econistema de Atitlán.
    Es por ello que deseamos compartir dicha información contigo para poder unir esfuerzo y logremos nuestro comun objetivo, el cual es salvar el lago más hermoso del mundo.
    Desde ya un fuerte abrazo.

    Guillermo E., Cabrera G.
    Asesor de Proyectos.

  2. Greetings and blessings for you, Alecia, we are integrating of the Honest Community Association of the Medio Ambriente, ACIMA, and our objective is cleanliness and sanitation of our lake, Atitlán, since coo your you know it it is one of I mediate to them of subsistence for our people, with the pezca and tourism that we receive every year, which has been decreasing rapidly for the contamination of the lake, not only for the own influences of the lake but besides for the external income of bacteria, as well as solid and human wastes that you deposit in disproportionate way our lake.
    It is for it that we have created the project of integrated community, I project this that involves realiar several activities in the exterior of the lake for your cleanliness and decontamination, which we want to realize by means of dry store walls chained for the Creation of natural filters.
    I work this that is of our ancestors and we have polished them not to damage Atitlán's econistema.
    It is for it that we wish to share said information with you to be able to join effort and let's achieve our common objective, which is saving the most beautiful lake of the world.
    From now on a big hug.

    William And, Goatherd G.
    Adviser of Projects.
