lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

Alberto Franco: the blog talk

Alberto Franco
Hi everybody, I'm Alberto and I'm having a blast at Panajachel. It's only been day 1 and you can already tell this Expedicion Atitlan 2012 is such a unique experience, leaded by very determined and interesting people. Some really nice and patienent enough to even teach me how to blog :p

From local people to people that lives around the world, we have gathered for one main goal, having Atitlan Lake clean healthy. This task conveys such a diversity of actions and efforts, that just like on a clock, tiny actions and gestures are part of a larger preogress of studies on the lake, which these are constantly adding up for the progress of our goal at this wonderful, definitely worth saving, Lake Atitlan. Keep on

It is an honorable experience to be here for Lake Atitlan and still get to learn SO MUCH about my career and Nature in return. Not to mention the fun and great people!

Things may get tough and tired some times but remember this wonderful message I once got from this reggae master: “The people who were trying to make this world worse are not taking the day off. Why should I?”

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