miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012

Last days at Pana!!!!! :(

This week has been amazing.!!!! On monday we had our free day.... First, we (students) went to a museum in one of the hotels here in Panajachel. It was a really amazing museum, because first there was an exposition of all the Mayan artifacts and sculptures. When we were there, we realize thant some of this vessels had a cross. So we were wondering, that all this sculptures were done after the Conquest time, so they shouldn't, because Christianism came with the Spaniards. But then, they told us, that Mayan people used the cross to symbolize the 4 cardinals points!!!!... Then, in the same museum, was a lounge with all the diving process to explore submerse cities and Mayan monuments. That was really amazing, because they have really great pictures!!!!....
After visiting the museum, we went to this main street in Panajachel, called "Santander", and then we went to take lunch at a famous pizza restaurant: "Circus Bar". We had great time there, just relaxing ourselves and having fun!!!!!....
On tuesday, was the rotating day, so my group and I went to wetlands with Eliska and Stephanie.By the way, my training group is Alberto, Estuardo and I. We went in the boat, to San Lucas, to visit some pilas were women here go to wash their clothes.
After that, we went to "Isla de los Gatos", and we saw a really amazing ecosystem. There were like three o four different species of macrophytes... but I think, images can say more than words!!!!

To finish our day, we went to visit "Jim's house" where he is using macrophytes for horse's food!!!!

This will be a really great week... it's the last one, but we will be working hard in our projects and enjoying our last days here!!!!! ;)

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